~The Grouse Grind ~
In my opinion the Grouse grind was fun, but at the same time tough. My legs were really sour I felt like I couldn't walk anymore but I kept pushing myself and saying to myself "you can do this". This year I got 1 hour and 14 minutes which is better the last year I guess but my goal was to get 46 minutes. Next time we go I will try and achieve my goal. I think that I could improve on my breaks because I would take a 5 minute break each time so that would take minutes off of my goal, so next time I will do my best and try to jog up the mountain in less then a hour!. I learned that I should try harder to achieve my goal so that I don't get a hour again.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    November 2012

